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Internship on AI (30 Day's)
Day 1 - Introduction to AI | How to create your own chatbot using DialogFlow
Orientation Session (12:11)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (10:25)
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (28:25)
Introduction to DialogFlow | Applications of ChatBot (6:21)
Creating your own Chatbot using DialogFlow (42:48)
Integration of your chatbot with webserver & Google assistance (12:10)
Day 2 - Installing Python | Basic Programming
Overview on Programming Languages for AI | Python IDE (14:38)
Installing Python IDLE from Visual studio (3:41)
Installing Python IDLE from (Optional) (10:03)
Setting Environment Variable to Python from command window (8:33)
How to start with Python program (23:53)
Day-3 Introduction to Computer vision & its Libraries
Introduction to Computer Vision & its applications (11:48)
Installing OpenCV in Python 3.7 (Visual Studio ) | Installing CMAKE (12:35)
Overview on CV libraries & installation (8:46)
Basic program on Computer vision (11:57)
Assignment - 3
Day-4 Moving Object detection using OpenCV
Basic Programming & Syntax on OpenCV (18:36)
How to read frame from the camera using OpenCV (9:47)
Moving Object detection using OpenCV (16:13)
Assignment - 4
Day-5 Face detection & Tracking
Face detection & its Algorithm (8:48)
Design an application for Face detection and Tracking (7:27)
Creating database for your Face (9:01)
Assignment - 5
Day-6 Object Tracking based on color using OpenCV
Overview on Object Tracking & Basic commands (13:31)
Color Tuning based on HSV Value - BONUS (6:50)
Object Tracking based on Colour (26:47)
Assignment - 6
Day-7 Face recognition using OpenCV
Overview & workflow of Face recognition (15:13)
How to use Android Mobile camera for your appication - BONUS (8:12)
How to create dataset for face recognition (3:30)
Face recognition using OpenCV (30:11)
Assignment - 7
Day 8 - Face Emotion recognition
Overview on Face Emotion Recognition & Installing Libraries (10:51)
Face Emotion recognition application (6:21)
Attachments - 8
Day 9 - Introduction to Deep Learning & it’s libraries
Overview on Deep learning | Why DL | CPU vs GPU (12:37)
Neurons & Activation functions (10:56)
Deep learning libraries & how to install DL libraries (8:35)
Applications of Deep learning | AI News of day 9 (4:55)
Assignment - 9
Day 10 - Deep learning algorithm & Designing Neural Network
CNN Architecture (24:06)
Basic syntax and functions to create Neural network (15:11)
Diabetic detection using Neural Network (22:48)
Assignment - 10
Deep learning Algorithms (18:45)
Day-11 Real-time Object recognition using Pre-trained Model
Object recognition & Methods of implementing Object recognition (9:05)
Pre-trained Model | DNN | MobileNet-SSD (10:08)
Basic Syntax for DNN & OpenCV (9:36)
Deploying real-time Object recognition application using MobileNetSSD (25:05)
Installing Pycharm - BONUS (3:40)
Assignment - 11
Day-12 Image classification using CNN
Pycharm Interpreter settings 2 - BONUS (9:02)
Image classification | Overview of CNN (19:04)
Dataset Creation | Collecting dataset from Google from Python program - BONUS (14:11)
Image resizing in bulk - BONUS (Optional) (6:32)
Image recognition using CNN | Train & Test (17:29)
Assignment & Attachment - 12
Day-13 Hand Gesture Recognition using DL
Hand Gesture recognition & New syntax of Keras (7:30)
Hand Gesture recognition using Computer Vision - BONUS (2:31)
Hand Gesture recognition CNN Design (21:12)
Assignment & Attachment - 13
Day-14 Leaf Disease Detection using Deep Learning
Designing Neural Network for Leaf Disease detection (12:23)
Assignment & Attachment - 14
Day-15 Character recognition using CNN with GUI (PyQt5)
Creating GUI using PyQt5 & Converting to Python program - BONUS (10:57)
Gujarati Character recognition using CNN with GUI (23:01)
Assignment & Attachment - 15
Day-16 Label reading using Optical Character Recognition OCR
Label Reading | OCR | Methodology (10:16)
Installing Libraries for OCR (2:58)
Label reading using Tesseract OCR (12:22)
Assignment & Attachment - 16
Day - 17 Attendance System Face Recognition using DL & ML
Face recognition | SVM | Workflow (18:42)
Creating Face dataset & Registering Name & Roll number in csv file (10:22)
Preprocessing & Extracting features of Dataset as Embeddings using DL (22:07)
Train & Deploy Face recognition using ML & DL (21:42)
Assignment & Attachment - 17
Day - 18 Vehicle Detection & Tracking
Vehicle Detection | Workflow (8:13)
Vehicle Detection & Tracking (10:17)
Installing Anaconda - BONUS (11:16)
Assignment & Attachment - 18
Day - 19 License Plate Recognition
License Plate recognition | OpenALPR Cloud (6:41)
Deploying ALPR Applciation using OpenALPR | Installing libraries in Conda (23:27)
Assignment & Attachment - 19
Day - 20 Drowsiness Detection
Drowsiness detection | 68-Landmark Predictor (13:59)
Real-time Drowsiness detection (25:15)
Assignment & Attachment - 20
Day - 21 Road Sign Recognition
Road Sign Recognition using DL (39:50)
Assignment & Attachment - 21
Day - 22 Overview on Machine Learning
Machine Learning & its Algorithms (47:06)
Attachment - 22
Day - 23 Evaluating & Deploying Machine Learning Algorithm
Basic Syntax on ML (9:15)
Evaluating ML Algorithm (27:05)
Training & Deploying ML algorithm for Power Monitoring system of Energy Meter (10:05)
Assignment & Attachment - 23
Day - 24 Fake News Detection using Machine Learning
Confusion Matrix (17:04)
Feature extraction of Text (8:17)
Workflow & Syntax for ML algorithm (14:10)
Fake News Detection using ML (25:37)
Assignment & Attachment - 24
25 - AI Snake Game | Reinforcement Learning
Path Solver | RL algorithm (19:14)
AI Snake Game & Manual Snake Game using Pygame (23:23)
Assignment & Attachment - 25
26 - Natural Language Processing
Overview on Natural Language Processing (8:49)
NLP Terminology (8:15)
NLP Applications (9:36)
Attachment - 26
Day - 27 Title Generation from Paragraph using NLP
Installing NLP libraries | NLTK (3:25)
Title generation using NLP (19:04)
Assignment & Attachment - 27
28 - Speech & Emotion analysis using CNN & NLP
Overview & Installing Libraries for this application (7:57)
Speech Recognition using CNN | Training & Test in Real Time (18:43)
Emotion or Sentiiment analysis of sentence in Tweets (13:14)
Assignment & Attachment - 28
Day - 29 AI Cloud
List of Popular AI Cloud services & Clouds to develop AI application (45:31)
Demo on Object recognition using Imagga Cloud (9:16)
Assignment & Attachment - 29
Day - 30 AI Hardware
Overview on Harware for AI (13:37)
Deploy application in Raspberry Pi (17:50)
Attachment - 30
Covid-19 X-Ray Dataset
Top 100 Interview Question
Top 100 Interview Question
Teach online with
Overview & Installing Libraries for this application
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